Natures Child Organic Bottom Balm 45g

A$29.95 A$23.95

When Nappy Rash strikes, most parents recommend Nature’s Child Certified Organic Bottom Balm.

This much loved bottom balm lives on nappy change tables all over the world to rave reviews from parents. It is the ultimate in purity and the incredible results speak for themselves. 

If you love bottom balm for skin irritations beyond nappy rash, then you may like to add Wonder Balm to your medicine cabinet. It’s the same great balm without the word bottom on the jar which some prefer 

Ingredients: Certified Organic Olive Oil, Certified Organic Sunflower Oil, Certified Organic Almond Oil, Certified Organic Beeswax, Unrefined, Certified Organic Calendula infused in Sunflower Oil, Certified Organic Comfrey infused in Sunflower Oil, Natural Vitamin E, Certified Organic Lavender Oil, Certified Organic Chamomile, Roman Oil. * This product is Certified by ACO (Australian Certified Organic)